jardin - vertaling naar Engels
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jardin - vertaling naar Engels

Jardin, Colombia
  • An example of the colorful balconies typical of Jardín.
  • Basilica of the Immaculate Conception]]

n. garden, public park; grove
jardin botanique         
n. botanical garden, garden rich in plants and plant life


When an actor is downstage or moves downstage, he or she is or moves towards the front part of the stage. (TECHNICAL)
Krishna stands downstage in the open area.
? upstage
ADV: ADV after v, be ADV
Downstage is also an adjective.
...downstage members of the cast.



Jardín (English: Garden), is a town and municipality in the southwest region of Antioquia, Colombia. It is bounded by the Andes, Jericó, and Támesis municipalities to the north and the Caldas department to the south. The municipality is located between the San Juan River and a branch of the Western Cordillera. Jardín is identified by its preserved colonial architecture, lush vegetation, and abundant rivers and streams.

Among others, rivers that flow through Jardin include the San Juan, Claro, and Dojurgo. Trout that is caught in the local rivers is a popular dish in the area.

The municipal anthem of the town is "Hymn to Jardín". Mean daily temperatures are 19°C with moderate humidity.

Uitspraakvoorbeelden voor jardin
1. Jardine and myself.
Good Vibrations - My Life as a Beach Boy _ Mike Love _ Talks at Google
2. In the Jardin d'Acclimatation in Paris
Racism and Equality _ Lilian Thuram _ Talks at Google
3. right on the Rue of Rivoli, looking onto the Jardin de
The Way of Wanderlust _ Don George _ Talks at Google
Voorbeelden uit tekstcorpus voor jardin
1. Un jardin zoologique Toute rédaction est un jardin zoologique, la sienne en particulier.
2. On hésite entre le jardin zen japonais et ses clapotis, un paysage de totems aborig';nes et un jardin d‘acclimatation.
3. Lune, se trouvant au jardin dessais du Hamma de 120 places, a subi les contrecoups du réaménagement dudit jardin.
4. Habitat et jardin – Le Salon de l‘habitat et du jardin est installé ŕ Lausanne pour sa 26e édition.
5. Un portefeuille de gravures, intitulé Le Jardin de Louis en référence au merveilleux jardin qui entoure la fondation, marque l‘événement.